House Rules
Character Creation
20 points for ability scores [see point-buy calculator if you need help with it]
No ability score can be higher than 18 natural, or 20 with racial mods.
2 traits, or 3 traits and 1 drawback
Classes without access to extracts, maneuvers, psionics, or spells are allowed to take either the Combat Training trait or the Unlocked Talent feat as a trait.
Note that while many classes are restricted to specific races, there exists a trait to make that class available to all, with the exception of cryptic and warlock.
If your chosen drawback does nothing (e.g. Magical Klutz on a Barbarian) then one will be chosen at random to replace it.
Hero Point system is active.
Magic-Psionic Transparency is active.
Healing powers and items are considered to be maximized when outside of combat and not under duress.
A natural 20 on an attack roll is automatically confirmed as a crit, if possible.
An altered form of the Unchained Automatic Bonus Progression rules are in effect.
Corruption mechanics are active.
Corruption is a hidden mechanic that will invariably change your character, usually for the worse, if you have too much interaction with beings, places, and powers beyond mortal ken.
While all forms of Corruption give some form of negative effect, most also give a powerful boon to your character. Balance this well.
Corruption can only be removed via high level rituals.
Warnings of impending doom will be given, however veiled, when Corruption is likely to occur.
Currency is Blackrock Chips (ch or chips), and is valued as 1gp:10 chips
1 chip can be broken into 10 shards (sh). 10 chips can be combined into 1 coin (co). These processes are reversible.
... By request, Vigilante can change between identities quietly as a 1 minute action, or with flash and glitter as a 5 round action. Why.
The Spell Point system is in effect for all spellcasting classes.
Spell-like abilities are unaffected by this change.
Magic Items
Magic items cannot be purchased during downtime.
Almost all magic items will be found, not purchased.
Shop lists for magical items are pre-determined.
Availability of magical items is determined by community size, with the chart shifted upward one size (So, Thorp=zero magic items)
Scrolls and wands emulating spells 2nd level and below are available, in limited quantities. The average cost of these items is increase by 2x.
The feat changes listed here are in effect.
Altered feats and campaign specific feats will be added in a future update.
All magical crafting feats are unavailable.
Removed Feats: Crossbow Mastery, Deadly Aim, Pirhana Strike, Power Attack
The following feats are granted for free, so long as all requirements are met
Antagonize [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in either Diplomacy or Intimidate]
Call Truce [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in Diplomacy]
Call Out [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in Intimidate]
Improved Unarmed Strike [New requirement: +1 BAB]
Intimidating Prowess [New requirement: Str 17, 2 ranks in Intimidate]
Read Magic [Granted to any alchemical, divine, magickal or psionic class at 1st level]
The Knowledge (local) skill must specify a geographical area with which you are familiar.
You can specify a region (one of the six quadrants of the map) without bonus or penalty.
You can specify a city or settlement, and will receive a scaling bonus.
The Profession skill can be used as an alternate check for activities related to your chosen profession.
As such, only one Profession can be taken at a time.
The Spellcraft skill is only trainable if you have a level in an alchemical, magickal, or psionic class,
You can use detect magic and identify at will so long as you have a rank in Spellcraft.
Non-spellcasters can identify magical items by substituting Spellcraft for Appraise, at a +5 DC penalty.
Weapon Groups
All weapon-specific feats, excluding Exotic Weapon Proficiency, instead apply to Fighter Weapon Groups. (e.g. Weapon Focus [Heavy Blades])
Any feats or abilities which apply to a single, explicitly-named or referenced weapon, such as Sword Oath, still apply only to that single weapon.
Ranged Weapons
All exotic crossbows are now martial weapons, except the crank and repeating crossbows.
The light and heavy pelletbows are also now martial but act as normal otherwise, ignoring the new functionality as they are crossbows that fire sling bullets.
All crossbows are increased one damage step, unless specifically noted below.
Firing a crossbow is a standard action, and crossbows have no iterative attacks.
Light, repeating, and hand crossbows add +2 to attack rolls vs armored targets, and heavy and double crossbows add a +4 to attack rolls vs armored targets.
Reloading a non-repeating crossbow takes a swift action, reduced to a free action with Rapid Reload. It cannot be reduced further.
Double crossbows have their own unique set of rules.
Double crossbows fire all loaded bolts at once with a single standard action.
Each bolt has its own attack roll. If two bolts are fired at once, they both take a -4 penalty to attack.
Reloading a single bolt of a double crossbow takes a move action, reduced to a swift action with Rapid Reload. It cannot be reduced further.
Reloading both bolts of a double crossbow takes a standard action, reduced to a move action with Rapid Reload. It cannot be reduced further.
Repeating crossbows also have their own unique set of rules.
Repeating crossbows fire all five bolts with a single standard action.
Each bolt fired has its own attack roll, and each bolt beyond the first adds a -4 attack roll penalty.
e.g. First bolt is fired with a +12 attack. The second at +8 attack, then +4, +0, and finally -4.
The first bolt that hits a target deals normal damage.
The second bolt and beyond that hit a target instead add 3 damage to the total. Calculate this amount as a single damage total.
Reloading a repeating crossbow takes a standard action, reduced to a move action with Rapid Reload. It cannot be reduced further.
Firearms are extremely hard to come across. As such, they cannot be purchased during downtime.
All firearm ammunition has an increased cost equal to 3x original value (e.g., one metal cartridge costs 450 ch)
Early firearms have an increased cost equal to 3x original value (e.g., a pistol costs 30,000 ch)
Advanced firearms have an increased cost equal to 5x original value (e.g., a rifle costs 250,000 ch)