Warlock Specific Feats

Alteration Focus

Prerequisite: Warlock 4

Benefit: Choose an alteration or unearthly blast. Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the chosen unearthly blast, or altered blast. Alterations and unearthly blasts without a save cannot be chosen with this feat.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new alteration or unearthly blast.

Empowered Incantation

Prerequisites: Warlock 6

Benefit: Choose an incantation with a level less than or equal to half your warlock level (round down) -2. All variable, numeric effects of the incantation are increased by half (+50%). Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. Incantations without random variables cannot be chosen with this feat.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new incantation.

Essence Sculptor 

Prerequisites: Warlock 12, Alteration Focus

Benefit: When altering a blast, you can apply a second essence alteration. If he does so, the total cost increases by 1.

[INACTIVE] Entropic Greaves

Prerequisites: Warlock 7, Dex 13

Using your knowledge of altering void energies, you turn those energies inward to forcefully change your physical form.

Your feet and legs become mangled, taking on the shape of a being unknown.

Benefit: Your base land speed increases by 10 feet. 

When standing on ground where your clawed heels are able to dig in, such as dirt or stone, you gain a +10 circumstance bonus against efforts to move you unwillingly.

Extra Alteration

Prerequisites: Warlock

Benefit: Choose an eldritch alteration you don't know, and add it to your list of alterations. This feat can be chosen multiple times, but a new alteration must be chosen each time.

Extra Incantation

Prerequisites: Warlock

Benefit: Choose an incantation you don't know, and add it to your list of incantations. This feat can be chosen multiple times, but a new incantation must be chosen each time.

Improved Critical (Blast)

Prerequisite: Warlock 8

Benefit: The threat range of your eldritch blasts is doubled.

Quickened Incantation

Prerequisites: Warlock 9

Benefit: Choose an incantation with a level less than or equal to half your warlock level (round down) - 2. That incantation can now be performed as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Only one quickened incantation can be used per round.

Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new incantation.

Strength of the Martyred

Prerequisites: Warlock 10, Wis 13, Con 17, Endurance

Benefit: Whenever you would take damage from a non-magical source, you can choose to activate peer into emptiness as an immediate action before damage is rolled. If you do so, the restored energy is converted into damage reduction for 2 rounds. For every point of eldritch energy, you gain DR 1/-. While you have damage reduction from this feat, and for 2 rounds after it ends, you cannot reapply this feat.

Void-touched Claws

Using your knowledge of altering void energies, you turn those energies inward to forcefully change your physical form.

Your finger break and mold, sharpening both hands into claws. 

Prerequisites: Warlock 6, Str 13

Benefit: You gain a natural primary claw attack, but can no longer wield manufactured weapons.

[Attacks: 2 ; Damage: 1d4 ; Crit: 20/x2]

Weapon Focus (Blast)

Prerequisites: Warlock 1

Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using eldritch blasts.