Incantations - Active
Breath of the Night
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
A misty cloud of fog spreads in a 20-foot radius around you, as per the wizard spell fog cloud. The fog does not block line of sight, but all creatures in the fog have concealment (if within 5 feet, partial; if over 5 feet away, total). A moderate wind or a fire larger than a torch immediately disperses the fog. The fog disperses on its own in 1 minute.
Celeritous Visions
Level: 6; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Grants haste to yourself or an ally within 30 feet until the end of your next turn. You can choose to change the duration of this effect to 1 round per warlock level. If you do, the cost becomes of 1 Eldritch Energy.
Dark Foresight
Level: 18 ; Effective Spell Level: 9
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Can cast foresight, as per wizard spell.
Detect Magic
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Can cast detect magic, as per the wizard spell.
Eldritch Healer
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: Varies, see text ; Save: None
With a touch, you can heal a willing living creature of an amount of damage equal to your eldritch blast. Eldritch healer has an eldritch energy cost equal to your eldritch blast's damage dice minus 2 (minimum 0).
Flee The Scene
Level: 8 ; Effective Spell Level: 4
Cost: 2 ; Save: None
Prerequisite(s): Breath of the Night
Can cast dimension door at will. At your starting location, you leave behind a fog cloud for 1 round.
Force Barrier
Level: 10 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You create an immobile sphere or hemisphere of force around your square or squares. This barrier functions as a wall of force in all other ways. Activating this incantation is a standard action, and the barrier lasts for 1 round.
Each round, just before the barrier would disappear, you can choose to spend 1 eldritch energy to extend the duration for another round.
Jinxed Fortune
Level: 4 ; Effective Spell Level: 2
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
You gain the power to alter the luck of those attempting you harm. You gain a luck bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to your next Fortitude, Reflex, or Will save (choose each time you use the ability). You can't use this incantation to increase two different save types simultaneously. This bonus can never exceed your warlock level, and lasts until used or dismissed.
Retributive Invisibility
Level: 12 ; Effective Spell Level: 6
Cost: 1 ; Save: Fortitude half, see text
Can cast greater invisibility at will, with a range of self and a duration of 1 round per warlock level. If retributive invisibility is dispelled, a shock wave releases from your body in a 15-foot radius. This shock wave deals 4d6 point of sonic damage to all creatures in the area and stuns then for one round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stun.
Tenacious Plague
Level: 12 ; Effective Spell Level: 6
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
Can cast insect plague at will. Add your Charisma modifier to the Fortitude save DC to resist the swarm's distraction ability. All attacks done by creatures summoned via this incantation are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Void Restoration
Level: 18 ; Effective Spell Level: 9
Cost: 5 ; Save: None
When you are about to fall unconscious or die from hit point damage, as an immediate action you can throw your body partway into the void leaving behind an empty, intangible shell as an anchor. In that state, you cannot be damaged by most attacks or effects, though disintegrate and similar magic can annihilate you. At the start of your turn, so long as your anchor has not been completely destroyed, you return from the void having taken damage from the triggering effect but also healed 5 points of damage per warlock level.
Voracious Dispelling
Level: 8 ; Effective Spell Level: 4
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
Can cast dispel magic at will. Any creature with an active spell effect dispelled by this incantation takes 1 point of negative energy damage per level of the spell effect.
Walk Unseen
Level: 6; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Can cast invisibility at will, with a range of self and a duration of 1 hour.