Incantations - Skilled

Skilled Incantations are passive incantations that are mutually exclusive to one another. They last until dismissed or dispelled, and have a reserved energy cost of 0.

All-Seeing Eyes [skilled]

Level: 4 ; Caster Level: 2

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to Perception checks as well as read written materials as per the wizard spell comprehend languages, for 24 hours or until released. 

Artificer's Assistant [skilled]

Level: 4 ; Caster Level: 2

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to all Craft and Profession checks for 24 hours or until released.

Beguiling Influence [skilled]

Level: 1 ; Caster Level: 1

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks for 24 hours or until released.

Cloak of Shadows [skilled]

Level: 1 ; Caster Level: 1

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks for 24 hours or until released.

Dark Arcana [skilled]

Level: 1 ; Caster Level: 1

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks for 24 hours or until released.

Otherworldly Whispers [skilled]

Level: 1 ; Caster Level: 1

Grants a +3 bonus, plus your Charisma modifier, to Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, Planes) checks for 24 hours or until released.