Unearthly Blast
Brimstone Blast
Elements: Voidflame
Damage Type: Fire
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You call forth blue and red fire to burn away your target.
Corrosive Blast
Elements: Voidshine
Damage Type: Variable*
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You call forth the light of the void to eat away at your target.
*This blast does acid damage to living creatures, and positive damage to undead and non-living targets.
Elements: Rime and Gloom
Damage Type: Cold/Negative
Cost: 2 ; Save: Fortitude negates
This burst of negatively charged frost causes your foes to stiffen. Any living creature struck with darkrime is chilled* unless it makes a successful Fortitude saving throw.
*chilled - The creature takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity for 10 minutes. Multiple applications of this condition do not stack. This condition can be removed by warming the creature via fire or other means.
Hindering Blast
Elements: Rime and Voidshine
Damage Type: Cold/Positive
Cost: 2 ; Save: Will negates
Any target struck by hindering blast is slowed unless it makes a successful Will saving throw.
Howling Blast
Elements: Rime
Damage Type: Cold
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You call forth a flurry of ice to assault your target.
Lighteater Blast
Elements: Gloom and Voidshine
Damage Type: Acid/Sonic
Cost: 2 ; Save: Fortitude partial
Any target struck by lighteater blast takes a -4 penalty to AC versus blasts for 5 rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw reduces this penalty by half. This penalty can be overwritten by subsequent uses but does not stack with itself, nor can the duration be renewed.
Noxious Blast
Elements: Voidflame and Voidshine
Damage Type: Acid/Fire
Cost: 2 ; Save: Fortitude negates
Any target struck by noxious blast is nauseated unless it makes a successful Fortitude saving throw.
Steam Vent
Elements: Rime and Voidflame
Damage Type: Physical/Fire
Cost: 2 ; Save: Reflex negates
You focus your blast underneath your subjects, creating an intense burst of scalding water to come forth. Any creature stuck by steam vent is dazed for 1 round unless it makes a successful Reflex saving throw.
Void Blast
Elements: Gloom
Damage Type: Variable*
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You call forth the power of the void to annihilate your target.
*This blast does negative damage to living creatures, and sonic damage to undead and non-living targets.
Voidfire Blast
Elements: Gloom and Voidflame
Damage Type: Fire/Negative
Cost: 2 ; Save: Will negates
You summon eternal flames from the void to dance around your target and light them ablaze. Any creature stuck by voidfire blast is confused for 1 round unless it makes a successful Will saving throw.