Born of a supernatural bloodline, a warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. Unlike sorcerers or wizards, who approach arcane magic through the medium of spells, a warlock invokes and manipulates powerful magic through nothing more than an effort of will. By harnessing his innate magical gift through fearsome determination and force of will, a warlock can perform feats of supernatural stealth, beguile the weak-minded, or scour his foes with blasts of eldritch power.
Alignment: Any chaotic or evil.
Hit Die: d8
Starting Wealth: 2d6 x 10 gp (average 70 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class Skills: The warlock's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana; Int), Knowledge (Nobility; Int), Knowledge (Planes; Int), Knowledge (Religion; Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Table: Warlock
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A warlock is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor, but not shields.
Unearthly Infusion
At 1st level, a warlock discovers how he connects to the void, and must choose which of its energies he wishes to command. He must choose between Constitution and Charisma to be his primary ability modifier that will influence all class abilities. After which, the warlock chooses one element from the list below. Once made, these choices are permanent. Additional elements are chosen at 6th and 16th levels.
When determining incantation and alteration effects, attempting to overcome Spell Resistance, or qualify for feats, a warlock has a caster level equal to his class level / 2 (rounded down, minimum 1). This also grants them access to a set of warlock specific feats.
Elements: Rime (cold), Voidflame (fire), Voidshine (positive), Gloom (negative)
Eldritch Energy
A warlock has an innate connection to the Void that he can draw upon as fuel for his purposes. At 1st level, he gains a pool of eldritch energy equal to 1 + his chosen ability modifier, and gains 1 additional point of eldritch energy at 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter.
Some incantations can be extended to a duration of permanent for its reserved energy cost. Any eldritch energy spent this way will not be regained with rest, nor can it be restored via peer into emptiness. Once the alteration or incantation is dismissed or dispelled, the energy can be regained as normal.
Eldritch Blast (Sp)
A warlock attacks his foes with eldritch power, using baleful magical energy to deal damage and sometimes impart other debilitating effects. An eldritch blast is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target up to a range of 30 feet. All damage from an eldritch blast is treated as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction, and spell resistance applies against them. An eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage at 1st level, increasing by 1d6 every 2 warlock levels beyond the first. The damage type of an eldritch blast is determined by the element(s) chosen via Unearthly Infusion.
Eldritch blasts are considered an at-will spell-like ability, and thus is not effected by meta-magic feats. It can be enhanced by feats such as Weapon Focus (blast), Spell Penetration, and spell-like ability specific meta-magic such as empower spell-like ability.
Eldritch Alteration
At 1st level and every four levels beyond the 1st, a warlock learns how to alter his eldritch energies to create new effects. Alterations can turn a warlock's blasts into physical barriers, or increase the range of his blasts to unnatural distances. When altering a blast, a warlock can choose one form alteration and/or one essence alteration. When a warlock gains a new alteration, he can choose any alteration from the list below for which he qualifies. Where applicable and unless otherwise noted, the DC for a saving throw against an alteration is equal to 10 + the unaltered damage dice of the blast + your chosen ability modifier.
See: Alterations
Not all of a warlock's strength lies in his capability for destruction. Incantations allow a warlock to create magical effects that are neither divine nor arcane in nature. These vary from the ability to detect magical energies, to creating powerful imbued items, to permanently morphing their physical nature. Incantations come in three forms. Active, Passive, and Skilled. Incantations are gained at 1st and 2nd level, and every five levels beyond the 2nd.
Incantations, like eldritch blasts, are all at-will spell-like abilities, and thus are not effected by conventional meta-magic feats. All incantations, unless otherwise noted, can be used or dismissed as a standard action. Unless otherwise noted, the DC for a saving throw against an incantation is equal to 10 + the incantation's effective spell level + your chosen ability modifier.
1+ Lesser, 7+ Greater, 15+ Dark
Unearthly Defense
At 2nd level, a warlock can attune his energies to protect himself. When a warlock gains a new defense, he can choose any defense on the listed below for which he qualifies.
A warlock chooses an additional unearthly defense each time he gains access to a new element via unearthly infusion.
See: Defenses
Basic Pseudo-Arcana
At 2nd level, a warlock develops an understanding of the magical energies around him. He can use detect magic and read magic at will, as per the wizard spells.
Peer Into Emptiness
At 3rd level, a warlock's connection to the void brings power, at a price. As a standard action, he can accept 1d6 negative damage to restore an amount of eldritch energy equal to his chosen ability modifier (minimum 1). At 6th, 11th and 16th levels the damage goes up by 1d6 and eldritch energy restored increased by 2. Damage from this ability cannot be prevented or reduced.
Void Crafter
At 3rd level, a warlock can simulate arcane and divine magic better than someone lacking magical aptitude. Void Crafter reduces the DC increase for missing a prerequisite to 4, but only when he is missing requisite spells. The DC increase is reduced by an additional 1 at 10th level (3), 14th level (2), and 19th level (1).
Additionally, a warlock gains item creation feats at the specified levels listed below, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. If he already possesses the feat, he can choose to replace it with any other item creation feat for which he qualifies.
3rd - Inscribe Magical Tattoo
10th - Brew Fleshcrafter Poison
14th - Inscribe Rune
19th - Craft Rod, Craft Staff
Warlock Feat
At 4th, 8th, 11th, 15th and 18th levels, a warlock gains a bonus feat. This feat must chosen from the list of warlock-specific feats, incantations, eldritch alterations, unearthly defenses, or from the list below.
List: Arcane Strike, Blighted Critical, Blighted Critical Mastery, Greater Blighted Critical, Combat Casting, Dispelling Critical, Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration
Unearthly Blast (Sp)
At 5th level, a warlock can combine his knowledge of the Void to create stronger, but more complex eldritch blasts. Unearthly blasts deal 6d6 damage, increasing by 2d6 every 2 warlock levels thereafter. Damage type and eldritch energy costs are determined by the unearthly blast choice. A warlock cannot use an unearthly blast that is formed by an element he has not gained via Unearthly Infusion.
See: Unearthly Blast
Void Shaper
At 6th level, a warlock strengthens his elemental connection to the Void. This connection grants the warlock a +2 bonus to attack rolls when using his eldritch or unearthly blasts. This bonus to attack rolls increases at 12th level to a total of +4.
Void Disciple
At 12th level, a warlock focuses his energies, and uses that new focus to bring new power to his blasts. The warlock's eldritch blasts gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to his chosen ability modifier, doubled for unearthly blasts.
Void Master
At 20th level, a warlock achieves mastery over the Void and chooses his final path. He gains one of the following:
Void Walker
The Void Walker walks the path of pure entropy, and can effortlessly manipulate it to simulate whatever he desires.
Upon choosing to become a Void Walker, the warlock immediately gains access to all incantations, and incantations performed by a Void Walker can be done as a standard action or move action. This allows a Void Walker to use up to two incantations each round (three with quickened incantation).
Void Mender
Understanding that the Void is not inherently destructive, the Void Mender comprehends its chaotic patterns of creation and life.
Upon choose to become a Void Mender, all blasts altered with transference have their range increased to 120 feet and cost reduced to 0.
When a Void Mender attempts to use an eldritch or unearthly blast to heal, he can choose to reduce the healing by half. If he does, he can choose to have the healing affect all allies within 120 feet or to give the ally two beneficial magic effects from the list below. He can also choose to reduce to healing to 0 and have the beneficial effects granted to all allies within 120 feet.
See: Void Mender
Void Bringer
When a Void Bringer warlock attempts to use an eldritch or unearthly blast to damage a foe, he can choose to reduce the damage by half. If he does, he can choose to attempt to inflict a curse from the list below. Curses are applied before damage. Saving throws and spell penetration are applicable as if the warlock was casting the spells directly.
He can also choose to reduce to healing to 0. If he does, the warlock gets a +5 bonus to spell penetration rolls to apply the curse, and the target gets a -5 penalty to his saving throws against the curse.
See: Void Bringer