Marthike Diamond
Human Paladin and Avenger of Truth in the service of the Dragon God Bahamut and the Fallen Healer Chamunda. Fought valiantly during the Invasion, but ultimately died in the arms of the Dragon Goddess Tiamat from his wounds. Books from the period tell of his worship by human and orcish followers as a savior-like demi-god of those inflicted by the plagues at the hands of the Outsider.
Fuck knows
Ulfrica Stormbadger & Ranger Dan
These longtime companions set off in the final days to find a way to prevent the inevitable... or at least ensure something continues. Their success and eventual fate is unknown.
Kitty McDicks
Human Barbarian. In his never-ending quest for smashing faces and crushing puss, Kitty faced his final foe on the Last Day, single handedly cleaving a path of destruction through the cultists of the Outsider. His sacrifice allowed the armies of mortals to reach the summit. The remains of Kitty McDicks were never unearthed.
Unknown gnomish rogue
Little record is available about this companion, aside from his treatment and subsequent death at the hands of a rather unusual female mayor with an affinity for oversized insertions. His anus ripped in twain, thus ending his story prematurely.
Thockhandth the Thortherer
While his death came long before the events that ended the world, but his legacy lived on. It was said that those who touched his lifeless body contracted his curse, and subsequently began to take the mannerisms that defined him. Those so changed were common bounties due to the annoyances they brought to each town.