Stellar (Favored Class Equivalent: Elf)
+4 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Cantrip: Choose a single, non-rare cantrip from the sorcerer list. Cast at-will, using character level as caster level
Tinged: When a chromatic Augen gains levels of sorcerer, they are treated as if they had the cross-blooded archetype, but they do not suffer the drawbacks. If they do not take levels in Sorcerer, they instead gain the 1st level power. They always use their character level when determining the effectiveness of bloodline powers.
Stellar Bloodline (Starsoul)
Variance: Use Human alternate favored class bonus instead of Elf when gaining levels in Sorcerer
Destined - Embrace Destiny 1/day, using character level as caster level
Dual-Minded: +2 racial bonus to Will saving throws
Lucky, Lesser: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws
Shock: Add 1d6 electric damage to melee attacks (Replaces Dual-Minded)
Gehirn: Change racial ability adjustments to +4 Intelligence, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Natural Attack (Talons): 2x 1d4 secondary, slashing attack (Replaces Cantrip)
Natural Attack (Gore): 1d6 primary, piercing attack (Replaces Cantrip)
Prehensile Tail (Replaces Lucky, Lesser)
Vestigial Wings: +4 racial bonus on Fly checks. DC 15 Fly check to avoid fall damage. DC 15 Fly check to glide 5' per 20' fallen. (Replaces Destined)
Summer (Favored Class Equivalent: Elf)
+4 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Cantrip: Choose a single, non-rare cantrip from the sorcerer list. Cast at-will, using character level as caster level
Tinged: When a chromatic Augen gains levels of sorcerer, they are treated as if they had the cross-blooded archetype, but they do not suffer the drawbacks. If they do not take levels in Sorcerer, they instead gain the 1st level power. They always use their character level when determining the effectiveness of bloodline powers.
Summer Bloodline (Efreeti variant)
Planar Binding replaced by Chains of Light
Plane Shift Replaced by Firebrand
Wish replaced by Fiery Body
Variance: Use Human alternate favored class bonus instead of Elf when gaining levels in Sorcerer
Lightbringer: Immune to light-based blind and dazzle effects, and treat caster level as one higher when casting spells with the light descriptor. Additionally, one can cast Light at-will, using character level as caster level.
Fire in the Blood: After taking fire damage, gain Fast Healing 2 for one round. This can't heal more than twice your level in health in a single day.
Heat: Add 1d6 fire damage to melee attacks (Replaces Cantrip)
Pyromaniac: Can cast Dancing Lights, Flare, and Produce Flame, each 1/day. Also, treat caster level as one higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor. (Replaces Fire in the Blood)
Seducer: Add +1 DC to Enchantment spells. Also, if Wisdom is at least 15, can cast Charm Person 1/day using character level as caster level (Replaces Cantrip)
Winter (Favored Class Equivalent: Elf)
+4 Charisma, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence
Cantrip: Choose a single, non-rare cantrip from the sorcerer list. Cast at-will, using character level as caster level
Tinged: When a chromatic Augen gains levels of sorcerer, they are treated as if they had the cross-blooded archetype, but they do not suffer the drawbacks. If they do not take levels in Sorcerer, they instead gain the 1st level power. They always use their character level when determining the effectiveness of bloodline powers.
Winter Bloodline (Boreal)
Swordtrained: Proficient with all swords and sword-like weapons.
Variance: Use Human alternate favored class bonus instead of Elf when gaining levels in Sorcerer
Chill: Add 1d6 cold damage to melee attacks (Replaces Cantrip)
Heroic: When gaining a level, gain an additional hero point. This stacks with Blood of Heroes (Replaces Swordtrained)
Heroism: Can cast Heroism 1/day, self only. (Replaces Cantrip)
Translucent (Favored Class Equivalent: Tiefling)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma
Cantrip: Choose a single, non-rare cantrip from the sorcerer list. Cast at-will, using character level as caster level
See in Darkness: See through all darkness, magical or nonmagical
Darkborn: Can cast darkness 1/day, using character level as caster level
Ferocity: If hit points fall below 0 but it is not yet dead, it can continue to fight. If it does, it is staggered, and loses 1 hit point each round. It still dies when its hit points reach a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.
Deathwatch: Gain Deathwatch as a constant effect (Replaces Darkborn)
Grim: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate. Can cast deeper darkness 1/day (Replaces Darkborn and Cantrip)
Swift as Shadows: Reduce stealth penalty from movement by 5, and sniping penalty by 10 (Replaces Ferocity)
Human (Favored Class Equivalent: Human)
+2 to Constitution (Alternate: Armor Familiarity - Move at normal speed in all armor.)
+2 to Strength (Alternate: Feat - Toughness)
Link: +2 to any ability score, -2 to linked score [Str/Int, Dex/Wis, Con/Cha]Â
Skilled: +1 skill point per level
Variance: Use Elf alternate favored class bonus instead of Human when gaining levels in Sorcerer
Prehensile Tail (Replaces Skilled)
Bonus Feat (Replaces Link)
Toughness (Replaces Strength)
Armor Familiarity - Move at normal speed in all armor (Replaces Constitution)
Vartan (Favored Class Equivalent: Half-Elf)
+4 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
Flight 50", Average
Natural Weapon (Wings) 1d4 x2, bludgeoning, secondary
Sky Sentinel: Vs flying enemies, gain +2 to AC, +2 Perception, and +1 attack. Enemies aren't considered 'on higher ground'
Wyrmscourged: Vs Dragons, gain +2 AC, +1 attack, and +2 to saves. Also +2 to Know. [Arcana] (Replaces Sky Sentinel)
Earthbound: Run feat, +2 Initiative, Skilled, +10 movement when running, charging, or withdrawing. (Replaces Wings, Sky Sentinel, and Flight)