Character Creation
20 points for ability scores [see point-buy calculator if you need help with it]
No ability score can be higher than 18 natural, or 20 with racial mods.
2 traits
Classes without access to extracts, maneuvers, psionics, or spells are allowed to take either the Combat Training trait or the Unlocked Talent feat as a trait.
1 drawback, chosen either at random, or by the DM
House Rules
Hero Point system is active.
DM Intervention system is active.
Magic-Psionic Transparancy is active.
Healing powers and items are considered to be maximized when outside of combat and not under duress.
A natural 20 on an attack roll is automatically confirmed as a crit, if possible.
Currency is Blackrock Chips (rc), and is valued as 1gp:10rc
Magic Items
Availability of magical items is determined by community size, with the chart shifted upward one size (So, Thorp=zero magic items)
All magical items have been increased in book price, as follows.
Special Qualities and Specific Weapons and Armor: 2x
Scrolls and Wands: 3x
Weapon and Armor enhancement bonuses (not special qualities): 1x
Rings, Staves, and Rods: 3x
Wondrous Items: 2x
A new slot for magic items: Vestige.
These items are a "relic of unusual power, pulled forth from the ruins," and as such cannot be purchased.
You may only have one Vestige worn or equipped at a time.
A Vestige item will often also occupy another slot as well.
e.g. "A Diadem of a Holy King" would take up the Vestige and the Head slots.
The feat changes listed here are in effect.
Removed Feats: Power Attack, Pirhana Strike, Deadly Aim
New Feat: Risky Strike
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2.
Special: You must choose to use Risky Strike feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Note: This feat is granted for free once the prerequisite is met.
Removed Feat: Crossbow Mastery
New Feat: Bolt Precision
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot
Benefit: All crossbows now target touch AC. Additionally, simple and martial crossbows now reload as a non-action, and exotic crossbows reload as a move action and reloading now requires only one hand.
Normal: Your crossbow attacks target normal AC, and reloads at a slower speed depending on the type.
New Feat: Read Magic
Prerequisites: Int 13, Use Magic Device 3 ranks
Benefit: You are able to read magical inscriptions and writing. You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a greater glyph of warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level).
Special: This feat is automatically granted to any alchemical, divine, magickal, or psionic class at 1st level.
The following feats are granted for free, so long as all requirements are met
Antagonize [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in either Diplomacy or Intimidate]
Call Truce [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in Diplomacy]
Call Out [New requirement: Cha 13, 3 ranks in Intimidate]
Cooperative Casting
Improved Unarmed Strike [New requirement: +1 BAB}
The Knowledge (local) skill must specify a geographical area with which you are familiar.
You can specify a region (one of the six quadrants of the map) without bonus or penalty.
You can specify a city or settlement, and will receive a scaling bonus.
The Profession skill can be used as an alternate check for activities related to your chosen profession.
As such, only one Profession can be taken at a time.
The Spellcraft skill is only trainable if you have a level in an alchemical, magickal, or psionic class,
You can use Detect Magic at will so long as you have a rank in Spellcraft.
You learn Identify as a level 0 cantrip so long as you have a rank in Spellcraft.
Non-spellcasters can use Detect Magic with a DC 15 Use Magic Device.
Non-spellcasters can identify magical items by substituting Spellcraft for Appraise, at a +5 DC penalty.
Melee Weapons
New Weapon Type: Claw
Cost: 100 bc ; Dmg (S): 1d3 ; Dmg (M): 1d4 ; Critical: 19-20/x2 ; Range: - ; Weight: 1 lb. ; Type: P/S ; Special: monk
Benefit: While wearing a claw, you are considered armed and your unarmed attacks deal normal damage. If you are proficient with a claw, you may treat your attacks as being unarmed or with natural weapons (for the benefits of feats, class abilities, etc). Monks are proficient with the claw.
Drawback: When using a claw, your fingers retain most of their flexibility, allowing you to wield or carry items in that hand, but the metal points extending from your hand give you a –4 penalty on all precision-based tasks involving that hand (such as opening locks).
Ranged Weapons
All exotic crossbows are now martial weapons, except the light and heavy repeating crossbows.
Attacking with a crossbow is a standard action. You cannot take a full-round attack action with a crossbow.
A successful hit from a crossbow imparts a -2 AC penalty to the target until the beginning of your next turn.
Crossbows cannot be fired more than once a round, as a standard action. The exception being the (light or heavy) repeating crossbow.
Repeating crossbows fire all bolts at once, and make 5 attack rolls at a stacking -4 penalty for each shot after the first. (e.g. Randy fires at the orc. The attack bonus for the full round attack is +10/+6/+2/-2/-6)
Only the first hit does normal damage. Additional hits instead add 3 damage to the total damage done.
If all bolts hit the target, add 3 additional damage (for a total of +15), and you can make a immediate ranged sunder attempt as a free action.
Firearms are extremely hard to come across. As such, they cannot be purchased during downtime.
All firearm ammunition has an increased cost equal to 2.5x original value (e.g., one metal cartridge costs 375 rc)
Early firearms have an increased cost equal to 2x original value (e.g., a pistol costs 25,000 rc)
Advanced firearms have an increased cost equal to 5x original value (e.g., a rifle costs 250,000 rc)
Magical Items
Removed Item: Amulet of Mighty Fists