House Rules
Context for, and changes to, the firearm rebuild can be found here.
Special Weapon Qualities
Returning - Now immediately returns the weapon to your hand after your attack is complete.
Path of War
Harbinger - Under Maneuvers, replace "recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 2)" with "recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to 1 plus one-half her harbinger initiation modifier (minimum 2)"
Stalker - Under Maneuvers, replace "Alternately, he may recover his Wisdom modifier in expended maneuvers (min of 2) as a full round action" with "Alternately, he may recover a number of expended maneuvers equal to 1 plus one-half his stalker initiation modifier (min of 2) as a full round action"
Warder - Under Maneuvers, replace "she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to her Intelligence modifier (minimum of 2)" with "she recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to 1 plus one-half her warder initiation modifier (minimum of 2)"
Warlord - Under Warlord's Gambit, replace "A warlord who succeeds at fulfilling his gambit immediately recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 2)" with "A warlord who succeeds at fulfilling his gambit immediately recovers a number of expended maneuvers equal to 1 plus one-half his warlord initiation modifier (minimum 2)"
Broken Blade - Banned?
Feat Changes
All Feat Tax changes are in effect.
Improved Unarmed Strike is now automatically granted upon meeting its prerequisite (base attack bonus of +1).
Firearms fall under Martial Weapon Proficiency.
New Feats
Two Weapon Opportunity
Prerequisite(s): Two Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a standard action, make a single attack with your main-hand weapon. If it hits your target, you may spend an immediate action to attack with your off-hand weapon at a -5 penalty. Two Weapon Opportunity does not activate Two Weapon Rend.
Mythic Feats
Pseudo-Skill Focus Feats
Prerequisites changed from Base Feat to 5 ranks in the associated skills.
Benefits now include the base feat's benefits, and allow you to retrain the base feat if you already possess it.
This affects Acrobatic, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, Self-Sufficient, and Stealthy.
Skill Focus
Prerequisites changed from Base Feat to 10 ranks in the associated skill.
Now reads:
Benefit: You get a +6 bonus on all checks involving the chosen skill. You can always take 10 or 20 on checks with the chosen skill, even when rushed or threatened. If you already possess the Skill Focus feat for the chosen skill, you may retrain it for free to another feat you could have chosen at that level.
Powerful Maneuvers, Mythic and Deft Maneuvers, Mythic
Prerequisite(s): Power Maneuvers (or Deft Maneuvers)
Benefits: Gain the benefits of the Mythic Improved Bull Rush, Mythic Improved Drag, Mythic Improved Overrun, and Mythic Improved Sunder. (or Mythic Improved Dirty Trick, Mythic Improved Feint, Mythic Improved Reposition, Mythic Improved Steal, and Mythic Improved Trip.)
Mythic Deflect Arrows and Mythic Missile Shield
Combined into a single mythic feat that encompasses both.
(NEW) Enduring Stance
Prerequisite(s): Initiation Level 11, Mythic Tier 5
Benefit: When changing stances, you gain the effect of your new stance while retaining the effect of your previous stance for a number of rounds equal to one-half your mythic tier (minimum: 1)
(NEW) Advanced Study, Mythic
Prerequisite(s): Initiation Level 9, Mythic Tier 3
Benefit: You may select two maneuvers and one stance from your class's list of disciplines and add them to your known maneuvers and stances. You must meet all prerequisites for the new maneuvers and stance to qualify for you to learn them.Â
(NEW) Stance Dance
Prerequisite(s): Five known stances, Mythic Tier 3
Benefit: Once per round, you may expend a readied maneuver to change your stance as a free action.
(NEW) Fleet Shadow
Prerequisite(s): Elusive Shadow class feature, character level 7
Benefit: The bonuses from Elusive Shadow are increased by an amount equal to 3 +one-half your mythic tier, rounded down (minimum 4). You may spend one mythic power to have the bonuses last an additional round.
Normal: If you moved 10 or more feet, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves until your next turn.
(NEW) Vengeant Mobility
Prerequisite(s): Grim News class feature, character level 9
Benefit: You may select one additional movement ability from the Grim News movement modes.
Additionally, whenever you use Grim News to move as a swift action you may spend one mythic power to move an additional 10 feet per mythic tier.
(NEW) Glyph Attunement
Prerequisite(s): Elemental Glyphs class feature, character level 5
Benefit: Choose one element. When creating Elemental Glyphs, you are treated as though you were five levels higher when determining the effects of glyphs created from that element. When you apply an Elemental Glyph, you may spend one mythic power to increase the duration of your glyphs by a number of rounds equal to your mythic tier.
Special: This feat can be taken one additional time, choosing a different element.
(NEW) Composite Glyphs
Prerequisite(s): Glyph Attunement, character level 9
Benefit: When you apply an Elemental Glyph, you may choose to add the 3rd level [baseline] effects of an element chose via Glyph Attunement as well.
(NEW) Social Blending
Prerequisite(s): Blending class feature, character level 7
Benefit: The bonus from Blending increases to +4. This bonus now applies to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate. At 16th level, you become harder to find by any means. You are permanently under the effects of non-detection, with a caster level equal to your stalker class level.
(NEW) Deadly Pairing, Mythic
Prerequisite(s): Deadly Pairing, character level 9
Benefit: Whenever you would increase your critical threat range with Deadly Pairing, you also increase your critical threat modifier by 1 (to a maximum of x6).
Additionally, when you confirm a critical hit you may spend one mythic power as an immediate action to add damage equal to your mythic tier. This bonus damage is multiplied by the critical hit.
(NEW) Improved Extended Defense
Prerequisite(s): Extended Defense class feature, character level 7
Benefit: If your Extended Defense is active, maneuvers are not expended when used. This does not change the action requires to use maneuvers. You can use Extended Defense an additional number of times equal to one-half your mythic tier, rounded down (minimum 1).
(NEW) Steel Acumen
Prerequisite(s): Tactical Acumen and Clad in Steel class features, character level 11
Benefit: You may use your initiation modifier in place of your Dexterity modifier when calculating your armor bonus. The armor's normal maximum Dexterity bonus still applies (limiting how much of your initiation modifier can apply to your AC).
(NEW) Ally Boost
Prerequisite(s): Dual Boost and Tactical Presence class features, character level 9
Benefit: When you activate Dual Boost, you can choose to spend one mythic power. If you do, choose an ally effected by your Tactical Presence. That ally gains the effects of one boost you initiate with Dual Boost until the end of their turn. You gain an additional use of Dual Boost for every three mythic tiers you possess (minimum 1).
(NEW) Inspiring Presence
Prerequisite(s): Tactical Presence class feature, character level 7
Benefit: You can now adopt one additional presence. When you adopt a presence, you can choose to have you and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for each active presence until the beginning of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of times each day equal to your mythic tier.
Cornugan Strike, Mythic
Prerequisite(s): Cornugan Strike, Mythic Tier 3
Benefit: When you demoralize an opponent with Cornugan Strike, you may spend 1 mythic power to increase the shaken condition by one step to frightened.
Improved Vital Strike, Mythic - Removed
Greater Vital Strike, Mythic
Prerequisite changed to Mythic Tier 7 and also to reflect removal of Improved Vital Strike, Mythic.
Mythic Path Abilities
Wild Arcana - Reworked. New wording follows.
When casting a spell, an archmage may spend one mythic power to apply the effect of any metamagic feat to the spell without increasing the casting time nor the spell level, even if he does not possess the metamagic feat. Additional metamagic feats may be applied to the spell, but doing so uses the normal metamagic rules. Wild Arcana can not be used to apply Quicken Spell. Using Wild Arcana to apply Ascendant Spell increases the cost to two mythic power.
Fleet Warrior - Movement can no longer be split before and after attack.
Limitless Range - Now increases base range by 2x, down from 5x. Spending a mythic power now increases range to 5x, down from unlimited.
Mule's Strength - Now a Universal Path Ability
Inspired Spell - Reworked. New wording follows.
When casting a spell, a hierophant may spend one mythic power to apply the effect of any metamagic feat to the spell without increasing the casting time nor the spell level, even if he does not possess the metamagic feat. Additional metamagic feats may be applied to the spell, but doing so uses the normal metamagic rules. Inspired Spell can not be used to apply Quicken Spell. Using Inspired Spell to apply Ascendant Spell increases the cost to two mythic power.
Perfect Lie - Now gives a Sense Motive penalty to mythic creatures equal to three times your tier when attempting to lie, instead of guaranteed success. This still negates magical effects, such as zone of truth.
(NEW) Expanded Mind - You immediately gain knowledge of one spell of each spell level, even if you can not cast spells of that level. This ability may be taken a second time at 6th tier, and again at 9th tier. Expanded Mind can only be chosen by spontaneous casters.
Legendary Item Changes
Foe-Biting - Now functions like, and stacks with, Vital Strike.
Returning - Removed. Its first selection effects are now part of the Eternal Bond Item Ability.
Undetectable - Now prevents mythic creatures from using alternate senses to discern your location (i.e. blindsense, tremorsense) and gives you a Stealth circumstance bonus equal to your tier, instead of guaranteed success.