List: Warlock Alterations
Extended Range
Type: Form
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Your eldritch blast can strike any target within 120 feet.
Flurry of Blasts
Type: Form
Prerequisite(s): Extended Range [general]
Level: 8 ; Effective Spell Level: 4
Reserved Energy: 3 ; Save: None
As a full-round action, you shoot two blasts at targets within 120 feet, at a penalty of 2d6 from each blast (minimum 1d6). This ability can target multiple foes, capped by your maximum number of blasts. Any blast beyond the first that hits the same target adds 1d6 points of damage. If you are using a essence alteration that requires a saving throw, a target attempts its save only once (even if it was hit multiple times), but takes a penalty on the save equal to the number of times it was hit beyond the first. If you are using a essence alteration that requires a caster level check or combat maneuver check, you roll the check only once against each target, but you gain a bonus on the check equal to the number of times it was hit beyond the first.
At 15th level, the number of eldritch blasts in your flurry of blasts increases by 1 and the penalty increases by 1d6. Additionally, if you are under the effects of haste or similar magic that increases your number of attacks in a full-attack action, the number of eldritch blasts in your flurry of blasts increases by 1.
As this form alteration must be paid in reserved energy, it must be activated separately as a standard action and provokes attacks of opportunities as normal, however it will apply automatically whenever you choose to take a full-round attack action until dismissed.
Grappling Blast
Type: Essence
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
Whenever a creature takes damage from your altered blast, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to have the blast grapple that opponent. Your bonus on this check is equal to 2 + your warlock level + your Constitution modifier (treat the blast as a Huge creature). The blast only grapples opponents; it can't perform other functions of grapple maneuvers such as pinning or moving the opponent. If the blast is already grappling an opponent, it receives a +5 bonus on its combat maneuver check to maintain the grapple, as normal.
You can use this alteration only if you also use the cloud [rime] or wall [general] form alterations.
Kinetic Alteration
Type: Form
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Reserved Energy: 1 ; Save: None
You alter your weapons with you eltritch energies. You can use this form alteration as part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action to add damage to each of your natural attacks, unarmed strikes, or attacks with wielded melee weapon until the beginning of your next turn. Since kinetic alteration is part of another action, using this alteration doesn't provoke any additional attacks of opportunity. You deal an additional 1d6 damage per 3 dice of your eldritch blast's damage (minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type as your eldritch blast's damage. This extra damage ignores spell resistance.
As this form alteration must be paid in reserved energy, it must be activated separately as a standard action and provokes attacks of opportunities as normal, however it will apply on all attacks until dismissed.
Mobile Blast
Type: Form
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You send an eldritch ball of energy into a particular square within 30 feet, dealing 1/2 the normal damage to all creatures in that square. The mobile blast lasts until you dismiss it as a free action, lose consciousness, or move farther than 30 feet from it. Each round on your turn as a move action, you can move the mobile blast to another square within range; either way, it continues to deal damage to all creatures in its final square each round if they fail their saving throws.
You can only have a single mobile blast in existance at a time. The mobile blast will last for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, and afterward you can't create another mobile blade for one minute. A mobile blast is always extremely loud and visible.
Pushing Alteration
Type: Essence
Elements: Rime, Voidshine
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: Varies ; Save: None
The momentum of your eldritch blast knocks foes back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your altered blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your bonus.
This alteration can push a foe back by a maximum of 5 feet plus an additional 5 feet per point of eldritch energy spent. You can't use this alteration with a form alteration such as cloud that causes your kinetic blast to lack a clear direction to push.
Type: Form
Prerequisite(s): Extended Range [general]
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 1 ; Save: None
You have fine control over your eldritch blasts, allow you to alter its path to avoid obstacles. You can trace out any path no more than 120 feet long for your blast, potentially allowing you to avoid cover (even total cover). You can choose a path that leads into squares you cannot see.
Type: Form
Elements: Rime, Voidflame, Voidshine
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 1 ; Save: Reflex half
A torrent of flames, ice, or light assails all foes in a 30-foot line, dealing full blast damage.
Type: Form
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 0 ; Save: Reflex ; see text
You create a wall of physical nothingness. The wall appears within 30 feet and can be either up to 10 feet high and up to 120 feet long or up to 20 feet high and up to 60 feet long. All creatures and objects in one of the wall's squares when you create it take half the normal blast damage. The damage from the creation of the wall can be avoided with successful Reflex saving throw. Anytime a creature crosses the wall, it takes half damage from your blast. The wall is not completely solid, but it does provide cover against attacks from the other side of the wall. The wall lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier. Once the wall is dispelled or dismissed, it cannot be brought back for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
Type: Essence
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Your blast creates darkness. Treat each square of the path of your ranged eldritch blast, the target square of your next melee attack eldritch blast, or the area of your AoE eldritch blast as the center of a darkness effect that lasts until the end of your next turn. This effect counts as a 3rd-level darkness spell.
Darkgloom, Greater
Prerequisite(s): Darkgloom [Gloom]
Type: Essence
Level: 11 ; Effective Spell Level: 6
Cost: 2 ; Save: None
Your blast creates supernatural darkness, as per the darkgloom alteration, except it acts as deeper darkness and counts as a 6th-level darkness spell.
Enervating Alteration
Type: Essence
Level: 13 ; Effective Spell Level: 7
Cost: 0 ; Save: Fort negates
Your blast drains life force. Foes that take damage from your infused blast also take 1 temporary negative level. Negative levels from this infusion fade after 24 hours and never become permanent.
Pulling Alteration
Type: Essence
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: Varies ; Save: None
Your eldritch blast pulls foes toward you. Attempt a drag combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your altered blast (the blast always drags the foe closer to you), using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your CMB. This infusion can pull a foe a maximum of 5 feet plus an additional 5 feet per point of eldritch energy spent.
Type: Form
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 1 ; Save: Reflex half
You create a growing singularity. Choose a grid intersection within 30 feet. All creatures and objects in a 5-foot radius burst centered on the intersection take half your blast's normal damage. On your next turn, the singularity deals damage in a 10-foot radius burst, and on your turn after that, it deals damage in a 15-foot radius burst.
Chilling Alteration
Type: Essence
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 0 ; Save: Fort negates
Your blast chills your foes to the bone, making their movements sluggish. Whenever an altered blast deals cold damage to a foe, that foe is staggered for 1 round.
Prerequisite(s): Extended range [general]
Type: Form
Level: 13 ; Effective Spell Level: 7
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
You release your power in a diffuse cloud. You can center this 20-foot radius spread anywhere within 120 feet of you. All creatures and objects within the bloud when you create it take 1/4 the normal amount of damage from your blast with no saving throw. Any time a creature enters the cloud, it takes half damage from your blast, as do creatures that end their turns in the cloud. Your cloud obscures vision as obscuring mist. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier or until you use the cloud alteration again.
Entangling Cold
Type: Essence
Level: 3 ; Effective Spell Level: 2
Cost: 1 ; Save: Reflex negates
Your chilling blast surrounds your foes in ice. Whenever a blast with this alteration deals damage to a foe, that foe becomes entangled for 1 minute. The foe can remove this condition as a standard action with a successful Escape Artist or Strength check (with the same DC as the save for entangling cold) or by dealing an amount of damage to the ice equal to double your warlock level (the matter has hardness 0).
If the foe was already entangled by this alteration and fails its save against a second instance of this alteration, the increased amount of ice fuses to the ground, causing the foe to be rooted in place as though anchored to an immobile object.
Quenching Void
Type: Essence
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Your blast puts out non-magical fires as if they had been touched by a water elemental.
You can choose to have quenching void dispel magical fires as if you were a water elemental with a number of Hit Dice equal to your warlock level at a cost of 1 point of eldritch energy.
Type: Form
Prerequisite(s): Extended Range [general]
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 1 ; Save: Reflex half
Your eldritch blast erupts from the ground in a pillar centered anywhere within 120 feet of you. The pillar deals your blast's damage and affects all creatures and objects in a 10-foot radius cylinder that extends 40 feet above the ground.
Type: Form
Prerequisite(s): Extended Range [general]
Level: 13 ; Effective Spell Level: 7
Cost: 1 ; Save: Reflex half
You focus your energy on a point in space and create a controlled explosion. You can center the explosion anywhere within 120 feet of you, and you can choose the radius of the spread to be 5, 10, 15, or 20 feet. All creatures and objects within the explosion take your blast's damage.
Fan of Flames
Type: Form
Level: 1 ; Effective Spell Level: 1
Cost: 0 ; Save: Reflex half
Your eldritch blast extends in a fan of flames, damaging all creatures and objects in a 15-foot cone.
Unraveling Flames
Type: Essence
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
Your eldritch blast burns so hot that it melts away your foe's magical effects. Whenever your infused blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, you can attempt a caster level check as if using a targeted dispel magic before determining whether the foe takes damage from the blast. You can choose to reduce the blast's damage by half to increase your bonus on the caster level check by 2. If you don't choose a specific spell effect to attempt to dispel, you automatically attempt to dispel effects that would protect the target from fire damage before other spells.
Type: Essence
Level: 3 ; Effective Spell Level: 2
Cost: 0 ; Save: Reflex negates
Your voidflames ignite your foes. Whenever an altered blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, that foe catches on fire, regardless of whether it takes damage. A foe that catches fire takes 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Against a creature on fire from this alteration, any voidflame blasts gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to DCs, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Type: Essence
Level: 7 ; Effective Spell Level: 4
Cost: 0 ; Save: Will negates
Sometimes, you will have to sacrifice the raw destruction of your flames to make your foes see its brilliance. When an altered blast hits a foe and penetrates its spell resistance, that foe must succeed at a Will save or be blinded for 1 round. Regardless of whether this save is successful, the damage of the altered blast is reduced by half.
You can choose to reduce the blast's damage to 0 to increase the DC of this save by 2.
Pushing Alteration
Type: Essence
Level: 3 ; Effective Spell Level: 2
Cost: 0 ; Save: None
You bowl your foes over with the sheer force of your eldritch blast. Attempt a trip combat maneuver check against each target hit by your altered blast, regardless of whether it takes damage, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your CMB.
Prerequisite(s): Transferrence [Voidshine] [Healing only]
Type: Form
Level: 9 ; Effective Spell Level: 5
Cost: 1 ; Save: Will negates [Harmless]
Your voidshine blast leaps from target to target. When your altered blast affects a target, you can attempt a ranged touch attack against an additional target that is within 30 feet of the first (if target is an ally, consider the attack harmless). Each additional attack originates from the previous target, which could alter cover and other conditions. Each additional target takes 1d6 fewer points of damage than the last (or 1d6 less healing if an ally is affected), and you can't chain the blast back to a previous target. You can continue chaining your blasts until a blast misses or fails to deal damage or heal, or until your blast is reduced to a single damage die.
Disintegrating Alteration
Type: Essence
Level: 11 ; Effective Spell Level: 6
Cost: 0 ; Save: Fort partial; see text
Your voidshine blasts rip your targets apart from within. Against creatures, your blasts deal double its normal damage as sonic damage, but targets recieve a saving throw to reduce the damage to half the blast's normal damage. Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by the blast is disintegrated, as the spell disintegrate. You can use the altered blast to destroy force effects or objects as disintegrate, but for each force effect beyond the fourth or 10-foot cube of nonliving matter beyond 40-feet you destroy in this way, increase the cost by 1.
Prerequisite(s): Eldritch Healer [Incantation]
Type: Essence
Level: 5 ; Effective Spell Level: 3
Cost: 0 ; Save: None (Harmless)
You can use your eldritch blast to heal a willing living creature within 30 feet of an amount of damage equal to your blast's damage.